Lessons from my Three-Year-Old
My little man woke up last night with a horrid cough. He was 100% fine then he went to bed, but within a few hours he woke sounding like...

A Series of Mind-Boggling Events...
Release day is just around the corner for my newest children's book, Magnus O'Meere, Mind Pioneer. As such, I have been reflecting on the...

Never in a Million Years...
Never in a million years did I even remotely dream that I would be writing children’s books. Seriously, it just wasn’t even on my radar. ...

Giving Hope Through Chemo Care Bags
Many illnesses and diseases make people feel helpless. But, within each situation is an opportunity to heal, learn, and grow. Cancer is...

Meditation is hanging out with your soul.
Meditation is the best medicine. When in doubt; when en route via emotional rollercoaster; when in pain, whether physical, mental,...

Fear, The Ego, & Changing Your Mind
Vulnerability can carry a powerful transformational potential, but it can be tricky to navigate with a scared ego...

A Year In Review
2018 was a very different year for me. A new business was launched, I officially became an author, and I launched a new Abundance...

9+ Years of MindScape Magic
Here are some of the amazing benefits I've personally experienced from learning & using MindScape: I'm continually blown away by the...
A Year of Ignited Intuition
I launched my first MindScape support program, called Ignited Intuition, in November 2016. In 2017, I participated in 7 Ignited Programs...

Ignite Your Intuition
If you follow me (Inner Compass Academy) on Facebook or Instagram, you’ll see this phrase quite often. But, what does it really mean? ...