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What would you do if nothing stood in your way?

Seriously, what would you do differently?

How big would you dare to dream


Hi there. I'm Kristin Pierce.

I'm a self-awareness educator, a MindScape

instructor, an Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner,

a business mentor, and award-winning author.

I help people - like you - connect to their

inner knowing, learn to listen and understand

the messages from their bodies, and question

their limits so they can create change in their



When I learned that humans are apt to keep themselves small and comfortable by allowing their limiting beliefs to squash their biggest dreams and burning desires, it broke my heart.


That isn't how I want to live, I thought.


But then a movie rolled through my mind of the places and spaces where I was stifling myself, staying small, and hiding my true desires. 

Why? I wondered. Why would I ever do that to myself? 


The answer: Because I learned to. 

We are all running on mental programs that are outdated + misaligned with who we have become. In order to create real, aligned change, we must reassess and update our mental programming to be in alignment with who we want to become.

So that's exactly what I did, what I continue to do, and how I work with my students and clients.

For the past 14 years, I have personally used MindScape, BodyTalk, and other tools of self-awareness to investigate and unravel the limiting subconscious beliefs that are unknowingly roadblocking me at every turn.


In doing this deep, empowering internal work, I was able to reconnect with my inner compass, which I now use to guide everything from my entrepreneurial endeavors to my parenting skills, and decision making to connecting with others. 

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Meet Kristin

For most of her life, Kristin Pierce was dominantly a left-brained, logical thinker who was greatly unaware of the many creative bones within her. For the past decade, she has been using MindScape to dismantle loads of limiting beliefs that were hiding her creative bones. In doing so, she discovered she was able to unearth other right-brain qualities that were nearly impossible for her to access since childhood--including creativity, imagination, and innovation--which allowed all kinds of wonderful things to unfurl, such as her children's books


Kristin is a self-awareness educator whose mission is to empower others to deconstruct the self-limiting beliefs that are keeping them small and stuck in order to rise to their potential, come alive, and impact the world. 

She is an Advanced MindScape Instructor Trainee, a core MindScape Instructor, an Advanced Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, a BodyTalk Access Instructor, a Registered Massage Therapist, a trained acupuncturist, and an award-winning children's author who holds a Bachelor of Science in Sports Medicine from Mercyhurst College in Erie, Pennsylvania.

Each and every one of us has an Inner Compass.


It is in-born guidance that sends you quiet signals to help you navigate life from a place of inner truth, passion, and soul alignment. Your Inner Compass is the little voice in your head that whispers when something feels right or wrong. It is the gut feeling you get when you something just 'feels off'. It is the spark in your heart and the fire in your eyes when you are so passionate about something that there is nothing else you would rather spend your time doing.


 Your Inner Compass is your inner voice -- your very own unique-to-you Soul GPS. 

So why don't we listen to it?

Too often, we let our logical minds, our busy schedules, and our limiting beliefs dictate our lives and negate the whispers we hear from our bodies and our inner compass.


How do I know? Because I was that person until I received a life-altering wake-up call that changed everything. 

When I was twenty-one, I was blindsided by a diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Thirteen years later, I published my memoir about the experience that changed everything. Not only did this experience introduce me to BodyTalk, but it also made me question everything I thought I knew about myself, health, and the meaning of life which was the most powerful experience of my life.

At the end of my junior year of college on a volleyball scholarship in the States, I had been having symptoms of bloating, constipation, and fatigue. Upon returning home for the summer, I had multiple tests completed and was blindsided with a diagnosis of cancer. A nurse suggested BodyTalk and, at that point, my parents and I were willing to try anything.


I had a fairly extensive education and understanding of the body from a western medicine standpoint, and was somewhat hesitant to think that "BodyTalk" could actually make my "Body Talk". However, after my first couple of sessions, I experienced profound emotional, physical, and mental shifting and healing that I could not deny were the results of BodyTalk.


While doctors could not determine which organ the large mass in my abdomen actually was, my BodyTalk practitioner continued to balance to my right ovary.  It turns out that my practitioner was absolutely correct when the doctors removed a 5 pound, football-size, malignant tumour (stage 3) that was my right ovary and fallopian tube.

Here's the gist of it:


So what did I learn from all of this?

I learned that the body is always talking to us through gut feelings, ideas, inner knowing, nudges, whispers, symptoms, and more. When we aren't listening, those symptoms get louder to get our attention and wake us up to how we are feeling and what we are holding inside.

I learned that life is happening FOR us, not TO us. We are not victims of our circumstance, but actually the creators of our experience. When we can decide to pay attention, listen to the messages from our body and our external world, choose to live in alignment with our desires, and honour our inner compass, life shifts exponentially. It becomes fulfilling, joyful, and full of ease. This is not to say that problems instantaneously disappear, but with this outlook on the experience of life, each problem is an opportunity to learn and grow. 

I learned that the mind is incredibly powerful. It can make you sink or help you soar. How we think affects how we feel--there is no doubt about that. Our external perspective of the world also affects us internally.


But we aren't at the mercy of our mind. We can choose to question the narrative to expand the possibilities that are available to us at any moment because the possibilities are limitless, but it is the mind that limits us. This is were MindScape comes in and why I was instantly hooked the first time I took the course in 2009. Find out more about MindScape here.

Are you ready to take the leap?

"Sometimes I've believed as many as

SIX impossible things before breakfast."

-Alice in Wonderland

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