Register Here to Complete Payment:
Please read our Cancellation Policy and Fine Print below before completing your payment.
Please also register through the IBA for MindScape & BodyTalk Access seminars as listed on our Event Page.
Cancellation Policy & Fine Print
1) $150 CDN Deposit is required to hold your space for MindScape, $100 CDN for monitors; $50 CDN Deposit for BodyTalk Access; $50 CDN deposit for 1-day Masterclasses, $100 CDN for 2-day Masterclasses.
2) To be eligible for the earlybird rate, payment must be completed in full 3 weeks prior to the seminar date. To be eligible for the Abundance & Ignited discounts, students must register for them at the same time as completing registration for MindScape.
3) Instructor reserves the right to cancel seminars due to low attendance. Please contact the local coordinator to confirm the seminar before booking travel accommodations. The Instructor is not responsible for any unforeseeable travel expenses due to course cancellation.
In the unlikely event that the Instructor has to cancel the course due to low attendance, full refunds will be given.
​4) Cancellation period before course date:
4 weeks+: Full refund less a $25 admin fee
2-4 weeks: Refund LESS the deposit. See above.
0-2 weeks: No refunds, but you may reschedule to attend another seminar.
​5) No refunds for Ignited Intuition MindScape Support Program or other Online Programs.
​5) Please contact your local coordinator for the exact seminar location and lodging suggestions.
​6) All personal information will remain private and confidential for Instructor and IBA use only.

MindScape is an investment in you, in your potential, and in your growth.
The investment in MindScape helps you to SEE, honour, and VALUE the flippin' incredible value within yourself!
You have to give something significant so that you will show up with all you've got, and so you'll keep using your tools after the course, and so you'll keep showing up for yourself, your growth, and your potential.
What can blossom in you when you utilize the tools of MindScape will absolutely astonish you in the most wonderful ways. And that's why MindScape isn't cheap--because it's a valuable tool to unlock, leverage, and maximize the value that you have within you.
That's why MindScape isn't cheap--because it's a valuable tool to unlock, leverage, and maximize the value that you have within you.
Now, all that being said, I'd like to expand the possibilities to enable you to join a MindScape seminar with much more ease. And I have realized I can make it easier for people to show up for themselves by taking the financial hurdle out of the way---by breaking it down into more manageable chunks.
Inner Compass Academy is now offering 6-week, 3-month, and 6-month investment payment plans for MindScape so that you can spread your payment out over a length of period that better fits your budget, instead of a lump sum.
The rate is our regular MindScape rate of $700 + GST, equalling $735, with a $15 payment plan fee split over whichever payment timeline you choose. Payments will automatically be charged to your credit card biweekly or monthly (depending on the plan) until your full payment is complete. This will allow you time to make the investment expense more manageable.
Here are the details:
6-week payment plan: 3 bi-weekly payments of $265
3-month payment plan: 3 monthly payments of $270
6-month payment plan: 6 monthly payments of $130
Terms & Conditions apply.
To sign up for MindScape using a payment plan, register above or click here.