Have Your Cake AND Eat It Too.
When my husband asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I replied without hesitation, “a weekend away by myself.” So that’s what I got....

Unpack Your Year
Before diving into 2019, have you carved out some time to unravel and unpack this past trip around the sun? Reflecting on the past year...

Shackled {poem}
I am shackled by my judgments; My beliefs that are running show; My opinions that I think are truths Are disabling me to grow. I am...

The Magic of Monitoring
Over the years of taking self-development classes, I’ve heard instructors say how beneficial it can be to retake the same class. Now,...

11 Years + Spreading AWAREness
Today is what I have come to call my RE-Birthday. September 20th. On this day, 11 years ago, I got back on a airplane to head back to...

9+ Years of MindScape Magic
Here are some of the amazing benefits I've personally experienced from learning & using MindScape: I'm continually blown away by the...

Evolve Wildly into You {poem}
Open your mind. Stretch your comfort zone. Follow your passion, Feel it in your bones. Explore your heart. Dive into your mind. ...