A Series of Mind-Boggling Events...
Release day is just around the corner for my newest children's book, Magnus O'Meere, Mind Pioneer. As such, I have been reflecting on the...

Have Your Cake AND Eat It Too.
When my husband asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I replied without hesitation, “a weekend away by myself.” So that’s what I got....

Fear, The Ego, & Changing Your Mind
Vulnerability can carry a powerful transformational potential, but it can be tricky to navigate with a scared ego...

A Year In Review
2018 was a very different year for me. A new business was launched, I officially became an author, and I launched a new Abundance...

Unpack Your Year
Before diving into 2019, have you carved out some time to unravel and unpack this past trip around the sun? Reflecting on the past year...

The Magic of Monitoring
Over the years of taking self-development classes, I’ve heard instructors say how beneficial it can be to retake the same class. Now,...

11 Years + Spreading AWAREness
Today is what I have come to call my RE-Birthday. September 20th. On this day, 11 years ago, I got back on a airplane to head back to...

9+ Years of MindScape Magic
Here are some of the amazing benefits I've personally experienced from learning & using MindScape: I'm continually blown away by the...