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Let Fall Away {poem}

Let fall away: Old beliefs that no longer serve you Heaviness that weighs on your heart. Resistance to living your truth. Loosen your grip On the reigns of control. Loosen your grip to attachment. Follow the flow of your soul. Let go of your symptoms, Free yourself from your fears. Unravel. Release. Let go. Let Fall Away All that is no longer aligned with your soul... Revealing your raw, bare, pure beauty.


About the Author:

Kristin Pierce loves chai lattes, inspirational quotes, writing in coffee shops, and questioning beliefs. Kristin is a self-awareness educator whose mission is to empower others to deconstruct the limiting beliefs that are keeping them small and stuck in order to rise to their potential, come alive, and impact the world. She is the Founder of Inner Compass Academy and Inner Compass Books. Kristin a MindScape Instructor, Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner, Registered Massage Therapist, & Children's Book Author.

Sign up for her Breaking the Mold FREE Webinar and her Inspire Newsletter.

Find Kristin on Facebook & Instagram @InnerCompassAcademy and @InnerCompassBooks

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