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Limitless Benefits of MindScape

​MindScape has helped me in a million ways over the past 8 years. It has enabled me to become a more conscious being. Some people have been asking to hear about my personal benefits. I'll dig up an old blog post about specifics. So here goes: - It has helped me sift through and unravel all that I am not, so that I can continue becoming more truly my truest self. -It has given me tools to connect with my subconscious mind to dig up the limiting belief systems that are only holding me back, so that I can bring them to awareness and live life consciously. -It has given me the ability to deeply understand that my external world is a reflection of my inner world. I always say Everything is happening FOR you, not to you. - It has changed the abundance in my life in ways that you probably wouldn't even believe! - MindScape has allowed and encouraged and allowed me to look at my shit! So that history doesn't need to keep repeating itself over and over again! - it has allowed me to deeply understand and connect with my children, and helps me every day be a more conscious parent. This in itself is invaluable to me. - It has enabled me to connect more deeply, to consciously communicate, to understand myself and my spouse. - It allows me to look at and get perspective on my fears so they don't paralyze me, but instead help me to grow in parenting, in business, in finances, in my relationships, and in life. - It has immensely helped with decision making in my life, to follow my inner compass and do what feels right for me. - MindScape has helped me challenge my comfort zone, face fears, and take bigger adventures that I could have ever imagined. - It has enabled me to connect with my creative self, which has brought forth the creation of a children's book, or 3. Your Inner Compass That Could is in the publishing process as we speak! - It has allowed me to play a conscious role in co-creating my life and business. - whenever I need clarity, I can find it within my workshop for gaining insight and awareness into life happenings, my own feelings/emotions, etc. - It has given me the confidence to pursue my dreams and the tools to ac

hieve them - a lot of which I at one point considered pipe dreams! - MindScape has opened me up to so many possibilities, because my eyes were not blind to them, because my limiting beliefs were not unconsciously tripping me up, like they used to. If you have taken MindScape, How has It helped you? If you haven't taken MindScape yet, what benefits would you like to experience? Post in the comments!


About the Author:

Kristin Pierce loves chai lattes, inspirational quotes, writing in coffee shops, and questioning beliefs. Kristin is a self-awareness educator whose mission is to empower others to deconstruct the limiting beliefs that are keeping them small and stuck in order to rise to their potential, come alive, and impact the world. She is the Founder of Inner Compass Academy and Inner Compass Books. Kristin a MindScape Instructor, Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner, Registered Massage Therapist, & Children's Book Author.

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Find her on Facebook & Instagram @InnerCompassAcademy and @InnerCompassBooks

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