Have Your Cake AND Eat It Too.
When my husband asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I replied without hesitation, “a weekend away by myself.” So that’s what I got....

Shackled {poem}
I am shackled by my judgments; My beliefs that are running show; My opinions that I think are truths Are disabling me to grow. I am...

The Magic of Monitoring
Over the years of taking self-development classes, I’ve heard instructors say how beneficial it can be to retake the same class. Now,...

Invite Your Fear For Tea {poem}
Your fear has a purpose To try to keep you safe. To stay inside your comfort zone. To slow your transformational pace. What if you...

Let Go {poem}
You tippy toe To the edge of possibility. You curl your toes over the cliff, Hoping to catch a glimpse Of your dreams. Thinking,...

Ignite Your Intuition
If you follow me (Inner Compass Academy) on Facebook or Instagram, you’ll see this phrase quite often. But, what does it really mean? ...

You Are An Onion {poem}
You are an Onion. You are made up of layers. Built up over time-- Your own personal purveyor Of beliefs and experiences, Memories...