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The SOULful


You're here because you're ready to grow a soulful business that fills your cup.


Maybe this sounds familiar...


🙅🏻‍♀️You're tired of working in a job that you've outgrown.

🙅🏽‍♀️You're tired of putting in time in a role that's no longer aligned with whom you've become.

🙅🏼‍♀️Or maybe you're tired of spinning your tires in growing your own business. 


you want your 'passion business' to be the real deal. You're ready to ramp things up, create consistency, and grow your business without worrying about working around the clock.  

But, know that you can't keep doing what you've been doing and expect a different result... because that is the definition of insanity.

It's time for a change. And you're ready to do something about it. 

So where do you even begin, right?

If you're new to entrepreneurship, it can be intimidating to even consider starting a business, let alone to understand how to set it up for success.


I've been there. I know exactly how you feel.  


Fear, doubt, and self-sabotage are regular players in life as it is, but boy do things escalate quickly when you are stretching your comfort zone, challenging your beliefs, and attempting to build your dreams. 



✅ You know in your soul that it's time to get serious about building your dreams.

✅ You're ready to do what lights you up AND have it pay the bills.

✅ You're ready to go all in on growing and scaling your souful business.

Building a business can be overwhelming, sure.


But, it's not impossible.

(It's quite far from impossible or there wouldn't be millions of successful entrepreneurs!) 


Hi, I'm Kristin Pierce. 


I’m SOULful entrepreneur with over a decade of experience, and the founder of Inner Compass Academy and Inner Compass Books. 


When I jumped into my entrepreneurship journey over a decade ago, I spent a ton of time figuring things out the hard way in an attempt to get my business off the ground.


Building a soulful, aligned business didn't come with a roadmap. 

Sure, there were roadmaps for certain business models, along with countless webinars, funnel strategies, online courses, and plenty of overwhelming in-your-face must-have ‘proven’ strategies.


But there was no blueprint of how to build a soulful + profitable business that aligned with ME + my desires. 


So, I did a ton of research, scaled steep learning curves, and invested countless hours, evenings, and weekends, along with thousands and thousands of dollars until I learned what worked for me and what didn't.


I tripped, stumbled, face-planted, and made plenty of costly mistakes along the way. But I always got back up and kept trying.


Eventually, I cut, pasted, and glued what worked for me until I'd collaged two soulful businesses that align with my heart, share empowerment with others, and provide the freedom, fulfillment, and impact that I once dreamed about.

Whether you're just starting out or you've already been at it for a while, but things just aren't taking off the way you imagined, you are in the right place. 


And if things aren't moving and shaking in your real business world the way they are in your entrepreneurial dream world, that's okay because I've got a new program that is almost ready to roll out for new + emerging soulful service-based entrepreneurs who are ready to grow their businesses. 🌱




In meeting many aspiring entrepreneurs along the way who were full of questions, I knew it was time to share my learnings, techniques, and understanding of business to empower people, like you, who have an entrepreneurial dream to build, too.


Because YOU can absolutely build your dreams!

With over a decade of soulful entrepreneurship under my belt, I’ve realized that business and people grow best with:

  • a solid foundation

  • an aligned action plan

  • wide-eyed wonder

  • soulful desire + alignment,

  •  consistent determination

  • while doing deep mindset work along the way

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The SOULful Startup is a clear + concise step-by-step program to cut the overwhelm, help you get clear on where you’re going, and give you actionable steps to implement immediately to start growing your soulful business.

Over the course of twelve weeks, you will learn how to lay the groundwork for your business to support its growth, while unwinding the limiting BS that crop up along the way. 


We will cover + implement the basics of business, branding, financials, systems to support your business, scheduling, marketing, social media, and more. And we will dive into mindset, unravel the ‘blocks’, fears, and BS we run into along the way.


Delivered in an online format that easily fits into your schedule, The SOULful StartUp will help you understand + implement strategies to set your business (and yourself) up for growth + alignment + success without getting lost, stalled out, and stranded en route to your dreams. 

What's Inside:

👉🏼 12 weekly modules of video training  

👉🏼 Printable checklists + deep dive worksheets to support you en route

👉🏼 Weekly actionable and integrative assignments to implement


We will dive into:

Week 1:  Business Alignment + Direction

Week 2: Ideal Clients

Week 3: Soulful Branding 

- Integration Week -

Week 5: Business Basics

Week 6: Financials 101

Week 7: Soulful Systems, Schedules + Boundaries

- Integration Week - 

Week 9: Magnetic Marketing

Week 10: Magnetic Marketing

Week 11: Mentors, Mindset + Magic

- Integration Week -

The program is currently being updated and is on hold until that process is complete. Stay tuned. 

If The SOULful Startup sounds like it’s right up your alley + you’re ready to do the work to create change, I invite you to apply below. I will contact you when the program opens again.


Optional Additional Support:


If you’re desiring additional support in a one-on-one fashion, I’ve got some great package options for you with HUGE savings available ONLY to members of The Soulful StartUp. 


You’ll have the opportunity to add on ONE of the following packages of your choice at 50% DISCOUNT to use during the duration of the program: 


  • 2 one-on-one business mentoring calls; 

  • 2 business intuitive sessions; OR

  • one business mentoring call + one business intuitive session.

Package Investment: $333 (value $888).

Appointments will be available on Tuesdays during business hours.

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Student Testimonials:


"If The Soulful StartUp is the roadmap for creating your soulful business, then Kristin is your bestie joining you on your road trip adventure. You could not ask for a better person to be your navigator. She has been down this road before so she knows the smoothest roads to travel, the detours to take and those back roads to avoid. When you hit a roadblock or get a flat tire, Kristin is right there to help you change it and get you back on the road. She also knows all those hidden gem pit stops you never knew were there. If you are feeling stuck in any aspect of developing your business, this is the course to take. I never expected that developing my soulful business would be so much fun!"


-Karen Tomasson, Diem Hypnosis Certified Hypnotherapist

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