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10 Ways to Rewire Your Brain

Humans like routine. We like to know what to expect. The problem is, this creates a very easy trap to getting stuck in our own ruts. When we are stuck on autopilot, we cannot grow, change, or evolve.

How does one rewire one's brain? It's quite simple actually: just live with awareness and stretch your comfort zone. When you are doing things you've never done before, your brain has to pay attention! So lace up your explorer boots, it's time to rewire your brain and break new ground.

Here's a few quick tips: Seek new experiences. Live with awareness. Change up your routine. Challenge your comfort zone. Expand your mind.

In case those are too broad, here are 10 things to try to keep your brain on its toes: 1. Do something totally brand new on your next night out. Think: ax throwing, adventure park climbing, pinball, escape room, watersliding, etc.

2. Tantalize your tastebuds. Order something completely random and out of your comfort zone on your next meal out. OR try a new drink the next time you go out for coffee.

3. Change your route that you drive to work. Or better yet, change your mode of transportation.

4. Create a piece of art full of inspiration - a poem, a painting, a drawing, a pie, a song, a collage, a feature wall, a garden, or anything that you want!

5. Try some early morning YOU time. Get up early to allow for some morning creative time, journaling, or get a workout in.

6. Read something different. Do a random book swap with a friend or explore a bookstore to find a book that sparks your interest.

7. Watch a documentary or a TedTalk to open your mind.

8. Do something brave today. Try a new class at the gym, a different type of yoga, or register to learn a new skill, modality, or perspective.

9. Adventure. Go on an outdoor adventure to a place you've never been to before.

10. Connect with someone who has a different background or experience than you. Seek human connection and deep conversation with people who will encourage your self-growth. Don't get stuck in the same old unconscious routines that you could do with your eyes closed. Create some new routines that support your personal interests and endeavors! This week I challenge you to purposefully challenge the everyday routines to find adventure in your life and to expand your mind to the magic all around you.

Do something BRAVE today!


About the Author:

Kristin Pierce loves chai lattes, inspirational quotes, writing in coffee shops, and questioning beliefs. Kristin is a self-awareness educator whose mission is to empower others to deconstruct the limiting beliefs that are keeping them small and stuck in order to rise to their potential, come alive, and impact the world. She is the Founder of Inner Compass Academy and Inner Compass Books. Kristin a MindScape Instructor, Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner, Registered Massage Therapist, & Children's Book Author.

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Find Kristin on Facebook & Instagram @InnerCompassAcademy and @InnerCompassBooks

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